"É servido deste pouco que mal me chega, oferecido de má vontade, e quem aceita não tem vergonha?!?"
Magic Devilled Eggs, stewed tomatos and onion with couscous and potato, wedges of fresh tomato and cucumber, Serra da Estrela Rye toasties with butter, garnish of fresh chive and flower.
Ovos Mágicos Recheados, ensopado de tomate e cebola com couscous e batata, guarnecido com flor de cebolinho, tomate e pepino, pão de centeio da Serra da Estrela torrado com manteiga.
Recipe for Eggs - Magic Devilled Eggs
3 whole eggs
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh chives
dash of pepper (cayenne or black or white, as desired)
salt to taste
Approximate preparation time: 12 minutes
Ovos Mágicos Recheados, ensopado de tomate e cebola com couscous e batata, guarnecido com flor de cebolinho, tomate e pepino, pão de centeio da Serra da Estrela torrado com manteiga.
Recipe for Eggs - Magic Devilled Eggs
3 whole eggs
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1 teaspoon dijon mustard
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh chives
dash of pepper (cayenne or black or white, as desired)
salt to taste
Approximate preparation time: 12 minutes
Add the whole eggs to a small pot of warm water. Enough water to cover the eggs! Bring the water to a boil for about 5 minutes.
NOTE: Do not add cold eggs to boiling water! The eggs will crack!
Remove from heat. Add cold running water to pot. Once the eggs have cooled and can be handled, crack and carefully peel them. Rinse with water to remove any bits of eggshell. Slice the eggs in half and gently press out the yolks into a small bowl. Reserve the white portion to be filled.
Add the mayonnaise and mustard to the egg yolks. With a fork, mix thoroughly to break up the egg yolks. Add the chopped chives and seasonings. With a small spoon gently fill egg whites with the yolk mixture. If you want to be really fancy, use a pastry bag with a decorative tip. Place the filled eggs onto plate.
Voilá! Eat and enjoy!
Remove from heat. Add cold running water to pot. Once the eggs have cooled and can be handled, crack and carefully peel them. Rinse with water to remove any bits of eggshell. Slice the eggs in half and gently press out the yolks into a small bowl. Reserve the white portion to be filled.
Add the mayonnaise and mustard to the egg yolks. With a fork, mix thoroughly to break up the egg yolks. Add the chopped chives and seasonings. With a small spoon gently fill egg whites with the yolk mixture. If you want to be really fancy, use a pastry bag with a decorative tip. Place the filled eggs onto plate.
Voilá! Eat and enjoy!
quando tiver falta de apetite já sei onde vir.
Obrigado Ana Cristina! Esperamos realmente poder incentivar qualquer pessoa a preparar uma refeição simples e agradável e rápida! :-)