Para o empadão: Em um tacho, fazer um refogado com azeite, meia cebola picada, um dente de alho picado e espinafres crus ou congelados, sal e pimenta. Se utilizar espinafres crus, não hesite colocar uma grande porção de espinafres no tacho pois vão murchar e reduzir imenso. Preparar puré de batata instantâneo ou caseiro conforme seu gosto. Eu costumo adicionar uma pitada de noz moscada ao puré. Colocar os espinafres no fundo de um recipiente para ir ao forno. Cobrir com puré de batata e espalhar de modo uniforme. Polvilhar com queijo ralado e colocar em forno quente cerca de 20 a 30 minutos ou até alourar.
Para os bifes de soja: Demolhar os bifes de soja em água durante 15 minutos, escorrer e espremer. Em uma frigideira grande, aquecer azeite, um dente de alho picado, 2 colheres de sopa de grãos de pimenta verde e um pouco de gengimbre ralado. Colocar os bifes de soja e deixar alourar em lume brando durante cerca de 10minutos de cada lado. Temperar com sal e pimenta. Adicionar natas e deixar cozer mais uns minutos, virando e mexendo os bifes. Colocar em travessa ou prato. Guarnir com um pouco de salsa picada.
Como já costumo indicar, sinta-se à vontade para utilizar outros temperos. Os bifes de soja são completamente neutros e portanto vão absorver os sabores dos temperos que utilizar. Não tenha medo de experimentar novos sabores e novas ideias!
For the spinach pie: In a pot, heat some olive oil; half an onion, minced; one clove garlic, minced; salt and pepper. Add spinach (Use raw or frozen. Keep in mind that spinach wilts and its volume reduces tremendously, so be sure to use a big bunch of raw spinach!) Prepare your favourite mashed potato recipe, instant or home-made. I usually add some fresh grated nutmeg to my mashed potatoes. And don't forget butter, milk or cream and salt. In an oven safe dish, spread the spinach mixture. Cover with mashed potatoes and evenly spread them out. Sprinkle with grated cheese of your choice and place into hot oven for about 20 to 30 minutes or until golden brown.
For the soya steaks: soak the dehidrated steaks in lukewarm water for about 15 minutes. They tend to float to the top, so place a heavier item on top, like a small glass bowl, to hold the steaks under water! Rinse and squeeze out excess water. In a large saucepan heat up the olive oil, one clove minced garlic, 2tbsp green peppercorns and a bit of fresh grated ginger. Add in your soy steaks and allow them to brown for about 10mins per side. Season with salt and pepper. Add some fresh cream and allow the cream to cook for a few more minutes, careful to reduce your heat to low/medium-low. Place onto a platter (or directly on your plate) and sprinkly with fresh chopped parsley. As I usually suggest, feel free to improvise, use other condiments or herbs, increase or decrease your amounts. Experiment. Have fun with your food and be fearless in the kitchen! For example, bland soy steaks are the perfect blank canvas for seasoning. Feel free to season the spongy soy steaks before placing them into the hot olive oil. They will absorb whatever flavour you add to them. Perhaps a few spashes of red wine and some dried herbs of your liking. Or fresh grated ginger. Have fun and enjoy your meal!