sexta-feira, 11 de junho de 2010

Beringelas Recheadas - STUFFED EGGPLANTS - Entrada para a Festa de Aniversário do António

Corte a beringela no sentido longitudinal como vê na figura, retire o miolo com o auxilio de uma ferramenta apropriada e corte aos pedacinhos. Num tacho com azeite aquecido e três dentes de alho picados, refogue a beringela adicionando pimenta 4 variedades, moída no momento.
Adicione tomate maduro em cubos ao preparado, quando este já estiver bem lourinho.

Rege o recipiente que levar ao forno com um fio de azeite. Comece a primeira camada do recheio da Beringela com queijo cortado aos cubos. Introduza o refogado e cubra com queijo parmesão. Coloque no forno cerca de 30 minutos.

And now in English... STUFFED EGGPLANTS
As Magda and I continue to add recipes and culinary suggestions to this blog, and to the giant expanse of the world-wide-web, our goal is also to share a part of ourselves and our filosofies of life and cooking lessons we learn along the way. Always remember to be creative and have fun. You don't have to follow our recipes to the "t". Experiment with new flavours, try adding a fresh herb or substituting one of ours. Learn what types of flavours are likely good to combine. Ask yourself what flavours do I enjoy? We find it satisfying and fulfilling to have fun in the kitchen. If you're single, open a bottle of wine and enjoy your own company. Tired of being alone? Well then invite over a friend, or five! :-) If there are two of you, make it a romantic adventure. Enjoy all your moments... for as we grow older we start to realize they will fly past us faster and faster!

Wishing our dear friend Antonio Rosa a very Happy Birthday! And so begins another trip around the sun! Enjoy every moment! :-)

Wash the eggplant and slice in half lengthwise. Using a mellon-baller or a spoon, carefully scoop out the contents into diced bits. In a heated saucepan or pot, add a couple tbsp of olive oil, and chopped or diced garlic. After a minute or two add the diced eggplant and cook over medium-high heat for about 10 minutes. Add diced tomatoes, as desired, and sautée another couple of minutes or until tender.

Into your chosen oven-safe dish, pour two tbsp olive oil and add the eggplant shells. Start layering the scooped out eggplant shells starting on the bottom with diced cheese of your choice. We suggest common yellow or white cheeses like swiss, edam, mozarella, flamenco or emmental. The next layer is the diced eggplant mixture. Finally sprinkle with grated mozarella or parmesan, or both! Place into a hot oven until cheese melts and begins to broil and eggplant shell starts to soften. Probably about 20 to 25 minutes. If you managed to polish off that first bottle of wine, now is the time to open another, set the table, and enjoy your meal! We chose to have a green leafy salad with fresh lettuce from our garden! Drizzled with a previously prepared dressing of olive oil, salt, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar. (Michael really dislikes the usual wine vinegars. Use a freshly squeezed half lemon instead! Much healthier too!) Bonne Apétit!

4 comentários:

  1. Isso é que um banquete!
    Muito bom...saboroso demais!
    Beijo agradecido.
    Astrid Annabelle

  2. Faço minhas as palavras da nossa querida Astrid.

  3. Um luxo de sabores. Beijos e muito obrigado.

  4. E sabem que mais? dentro de pouco tempo terei Beringelas a crescer na minha hortinha...

    Beijos a todos,

